Marcus Du Sautoy

Mathematics is the Art of the Shortcut - with Marcus du Sautoy

What We Cannot Know - with Marcus du Sautoy

The Num8er My5teries - Marcus du Sautoy

The paradox at the heart of mathematics: Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem - Marcus du Sautoy

Thinking better with mathematics – with Marcus du Sautoy

The Creativity Code - Marcus du Sautoy

Marcus du Sautoy | The Creative Code to Thinking Better | Talks at Google

Q&A - What We Cannot Know - with Marcus du Sautoy

What We Cannot Know - Marcus du Sautoy

Das Paradoxon als Kern der Mathematik: Der Gödelsche Unvollständigkeitssatz - Marcus du Sautoy

Around the World in 80 Games - Marcus du Sautoy

The Essence of Mathematics: Marcus du Sautoy's Insights

Professor Marcus Du Sautoy: Were these stone balls made by ancient mathematicians?

V.O. Complete. The world seen by a mathematician. Marcus du Sautoy,

Finding Moonshine: A Mathematician's journey through symmetry

Finding Moonshine | Marcus du Sautoy | Talks at Google

The Secret Mathematicians: Jorge Luis Borges - Marcus Du Sautoy

The wisdom of the crowd (with Professor Marcus du Sautoy)

V. Completa. Así ve el mundo un matemático. Marcus du Sautoy, matemático y divulgador científico

Music & Maths: Baroque & Beyond with Marcus du Sautoy

Marcus du Sautoy: Can an AI be creative?

Is AI sentient? Will it write, paint, feel, treat maladies and make us redundant? | Marcus du Sautoy

Marcus du Sautoy - OUMNH 150th Anniversary Lectures